To purchase a hard copy of this book containing all the songs, a CD, and wordsheets, click on the cover below, and you'll be taken to my new shop!
Special Star comes with a narration which can involve lots of young children. Click below for a list of characters!
Clip Clop
Grab the coconuts and get those hooves clipping and clopping!
Knock Knock
With easy repetitive lines making it easy to learn. They will sing this with confidence! Make sure you have a loud ‘knock knock’ on a door or use a pair of claves.
Lullaby, Hushabye
A gentle and tender song. It is contrasting and simple to focus on the special baby. I’ve seen this done with lots of children rocking “baby dolls” and it was beautiful to watch.
Download bundles coming soon!
Special Star
An uplifting and rousing song to lift the mood and clearly one that Angels, Shepherds, teachers and parents (in the reprise) should be encouraged to sing with gusto. Raise alternate arms and explode your hands on the words “Shine shine, shine shine!” and smile!
Special Star! is the basis for your Nativity play. Please feel free to adapt it to suit your needs. You know your children and their strengths; add extra songs, extra words, characters or even dances to make your Christmas Nativity something they will remember with joy for the whole of their lives!
Crossing the desert
You can have some fun with this! Make up the actions or get the children to come up with some ideas. Think of the ‘Asda advert’ pat pat on “That hurts!” Perhaps get children to dance with ‘hands of the orient’ for the introduction and in between each verse.
Shut that door!
A gathering song that is great for filling up the stage with the whole cast! You could hold up picture clues to help them remember the list of animals in the verses.
Special Star (reprise)
Get everyone up on their feet to join in with this rousing song - the audience will soon pick this up or will probably know it already from the back of the car!